Phytobiophysics Flower Formula FF3 Camelia - 150 Pills
The Phytobiophysics Flower Formula FF3 Camelia flower essence is most often used during times of change. This includes milestones as starting a new school or job, puberty, moving, marriage or divorce, or menopause in women. Such occurrences can be very stressful and often traumatic for people.
This natural flower remedy has a calming effect on both the brain and nervous system. It can negate feelings of anxiety and hyperactivity. It is useful for children who are finding school difficult or whose parents are divorcing. It brings about a state of tranquility when it is most needed and is effective when one is feeling vulnerable.
For support in choosing a flower formula, take a look at our helpful blog
Recommended Intake:1 pill three times daily.
Essence of Pink Camellia, Common fumitory, Herb robert, Red campion, sucrose.