Happy Kombucha Dehydrated Kombucha Starter

Size Kombucha Starter

Happy Kombucha Dehydrated Kombucha Starter

This kit includes a DEHYDRATED mother scoby, dehydrated carefully to retain all their bacteria. The scoby will need to be activated BEFORE you can begin brewing but the kit is perfect to give as a gift as it requires no special storage before use and the Scoby can survive for up to 12 months.

Kit Includes:

  • Dehydrated Kombucha Mother scoby

What else is needed:

The kit includes the scoby that is needed to brew, You will also need some additional equipment:

  • kettle (or pan to boil the water),
  • Tea and sugar (any good Green, blue, black or white tea can be used
  • glass jar to brew in (needs to be at least 1.5L)
  • Vinegar Avoid apple cider vinegar or other types of vinegar, which may not be acidic enough to protect your SCOBY during rehydration
  • large pan or container to brew the sweet tea in
  • bottles to store the finished kombucha in.
These scobies will brew up to 1L initially and then more once activated.